January 07, 2010

That's really quick! The universe is quick indeed

That's what they said on The Secret years ago. The universe likes speed. okay!

Earlier today I posted a blog and in the end I mentioned how I need a new freelance job. This afternoon I had a really nice meeting. An old trainstation is being renovated right in the middle of the city and they want a yoga place in it. But they want something special. Well well well, what a coincidence I had written a plan about an Urban Oasis a little over a year ago and one of the train-station-project guys gave me a call. So this afternoon we talked about it and in two weeks I am meeting an investor who is looking for an adviser/marketeer/yogi. That's me! I've been a yogi for a long time and a marketeer for even a more long time. And about time I get to mix these two things and make a bit of a living!

Well, nothing's sure yet so let's just wait and see. But anyway anyhow it's cool to experience the Universe at work! I say Thank You!

1 comment:

  1. totally! I remember your oasis plan too, wicked idea, I hope this work out!!
