October 12, 2010

Dr Weil on breast cancer

In the United States, an estimated 182,000 cases of breast cancer occurred among women in the year 2000, according to the American Cancer Society. Breast cancer accounts for 18.5 percent of cancer deaths in women. Fortunately, it is one of the most curable types of cancer when detected at an early stage. Survival rates are continuing to climb as technology advances for early breast cancer detection and intervention. The five-year relative rate of survival for localized breast cancer has increased from 72 percent to 96 percent over the past 60 years. Early detection with a mammogram - which should be performed annually for women over 40 – has been key to successful early detection and treatment.

Diet plays a role in prevention. American women have five times the risk of developing breast cancer as Japanese women who consume a traditional Japanese diet. Second- and third-generation Japanese-American women who adopt a typical American diet have almost the same incidence of breast cancer as other American women. And a Westernized diet in Japan is now causing an increase in breast cancer among women there.
Here are some lifestyle measures for prevention:
  • Get active. Regular physical activity, at least 30 minutes on most days, has been shown to be protective against breast cancer. This may be because it results in weight loss and decrease in body fat; therefore, it lowers circulating estrogen levels.
  • Reduce exposure to xenoestrogens. We are exposed to a large number of synthetic chemical compounds that have estrogen-like activity. These include common pesticides, industrial pollutants and hormone residues in meat, poultry and dairy products. While the research on their link with breast cancer is conflicting, we recommend limiting exposure as much as you can. Choosing hormone-free dairy and animal products and organic produce is a good start.
  • Early detection is key. Women ages 20-39 should have a clinical breast exam performed by a health care professional every three years in addition to conducting a self-examination every month. If you are 40 years of age or older, annual breast exams and mammograms are recommended. Your physician may request one at an earlier age if you display other risk factors.
Nutrition and Supplements
  • Pay close attention to your diet. The original thought that breast cancer risk increased with a high-fat diet may have been too simple. There are several factors that we now believe are more closely associated with risk.
  • Choose fats wisely. Studies have shown that women with a higher intake of olive oil have less breast cancer. Omega-3 fats, found in cold-water fish (especially wild salmon and sardines), freshly ground flaxseed and walnuts have also been associated with inhibiting the growth of breast tumors.
  • Eat generous amounts of vegetables and fruit, which are loaded with cancer-protective phytochemicals. Our recommendation is 8 to 10 servings a day.
  • Use freshly ground flaxseed or other sources of fiber every day. Diets that are high in fiber - lignins specifically – seem to increase the excretion of estrogen or modify the metabolism of estrogen and reduce the risk of breast cancer.
  • Eat more soy. There has been some recent discussion on the possible negative effect of soy on risk of breast cancer, especially hormone receptor positive forms of the disease. Although the isoflavones in soy do have a mild estrogenic effect (they are able to bind to estrogen receptor sites in human tissue), soy foods also contain many cancer-protective substances. For this reason, and also because population studies have failed to show a relationship between soy consumption and increased risk of breast cancer, we recommend one serving of whole soy foods a day.
  • Make green tea your beverage of choice. Green tea consumption is linked with lower incidence of many kinds of cancer.
  • Drink very little, if any, alcohol. Alcohol consumption, even in modest amounts, is associated with increased risk of breast cancer.
  • Take a multivitamin with folic acid, vitamin D and antioxidants. All these nutrients have been shown to be related to a reduced risk of breast cancer. Although the diet should be the primary source of most of these, a good daily supplement can help provide insurance that your intake is adequate.
Also, I highly recommend the book Breast Cancer: Reduce Your Risk with Foods You Love (Penstokes Press, 2011), by Robert Pendergrast, M.D., who teaches at the Medical College of Georgia and is a graduate of the Fellowship at the University of Arizona's Center for Integrative Medicine, which I founded in 1994. It's a clear, scientifically validated compendium of what to eat, and what to avoid, to lower your risk of breast cancer.  

This blog is written by DrWeil.com. Go directly to original blog.

Meditation Q&A | Chopra Blog

Question: I know that everyone’s experience of meditation can be different, but I just have this need to know what is really going on. I have been meditating for a year or so, on and off, usually clearing my mind and being silent for an hour, but  recent, I have started to meditate regularly, and feel a physical sensation, of my body vibrating and I seem to be free from my body and my head feels like its swirling around, its almost as if I am drunk! Though, I have to agree this is an amazing sensation like I am intoxicated, I feel fresh and awake after that.

Can you explain what is actually happening on the spirit level as my physical level goes through this? How is it possible that my mind, when it is silenced to such a deeper level, is able to cause this freeing of my body, when I know that I am not my mind or my body? How does it influence my body . . . or is it that my mind has been taken over by my spiritual self and it is indeed the spirit self that’s causing this? I would really appreciate it if you could relieve me from this curiosity.

Answer: Even though meditation is in one sense a mental process, because the mind and body are intimately connected, when the mind experiences silence, it affects the body and provides a corresponding degree of restfulness in its physiological functioning. It is this depth of rest that allows the body to normalize any imbalances that inhibit its full expression of health. What you experienced was a somewhat entertaining version of the very mundane process of the body’s release of stored stress and conditioning, and the consequent sense of rejuvenation and freedom afterward. It’s  a matter of understanding the interrelationship of the mind and body and how the two function symbiotically during meditation.

It’s important to keep in mind that what happens during a meditation session isn’t actually all that important. Where you really begin to experience the benefits of meditation is in all your daily activities. As you meditate regularly, you carry some of the stillness and silence with you into everything you do. Instead of being reactive and reflexive, you are more responsive and reflective.  You release constriction and become more creative, relaxed, and expansive. 

Blog written by Chopra Center. Go directly to blog.

February 24, 2010

Big hug for Gerard Kemkers

I am Dutch. And we Dutchies saw our fantastic Sven Kramer riding the ride of his life yesterday. And I don't think we need to go over it again and again. His coach, Gerard Kemkers made a mistake and now Sven is disqualified. A tragedy. For Sven and Kemkers.

I am positive that Sven Kramer will be there again the next olympics. He is still young and a very powerful young man. I'm sure these days are difficult days for Sven, but I don't doubt he will be a stronger person because of this.

And I truly hope the same for Gerard Kemkers. Boy, can't be easy to be in his shoes. So Gerard Kemkers, I just want to let you know that I think you should be fully forgiven. Everybody can and is allowed to make mistakes. You just picked a lousy time to make yours. But you have done so many beautiful things and helped our skaters becoming champions and beautiful individuals. I pray for you and hope you will find the support and strength to carry this karmatic event and grow from it.

So Gerard Kemkers, this one is for you! Keep it up! I and sooo many other people fully support and trust you. You are still a champion coach and we love you!

Bye Gerard.

February 17, 2010

I've done it! I have set myself free!

I am telling you! working on a uturus goes much deeper (uhm... emotionally I mean!! ha ha!) than you would think. I mean, I really didn't know that by going to the osteo would have all of this as a result. But it really is the greatest gift of all.

As you can read in my latest post me getting back in 'touch' with my uturus shows me many life changing insights. And today, I honestly think I have done it. I think I have freed myself of burdens of the past.

I think today is the first day of the rest of my life! (big sigh and what a relief to experience this feeling! I feel light and free. I feel like I am shining and very much alive.)

So, what is the difference between me now and me 3 hours ago?

I wrote a letter. Yep aha. That's it.

I felt as if I am carrying with me a burden. This burden 'burdens' me a lot, but I couldn't get my finger on it. I didn't know where and how I got this burden and how to unburden myself. Well today I did it!

The time was right so I decided to sit down with pen and paper and I just started writing. It was a letter about the things that had hurt me when I was younger and about major things I had never before really expressed. The letter was writen to my parents, but I will not have them read it. What I did do though, I shared it with my man. I read the letter to him, all the while I was crying all over the place (I didn't cry during writing the letter, at that point I was more upset. But while reading it outloud and sharing my life story with him, the sadness came and found a way out. Finally!)

Man, do I feel great now!

I can truly recommend you to do the same one day - when it is your time.

The sun is shining inside me!

February 15, 2010

two years! two whole years. My son was born 2 years ago!

I don't think I need to add any extra words. Just look at this clip and listen to Ben Harpers song. I'll be silent now.

February 14, 2010

The beauty and benefit of a uturus collapse (prolapse)

It has taken me months to finaly reach this point where I can actually feel, with all that I am, that there is something beautiful about my uturus prolapse. All though it might seem strange to some, and even weird to others, I am actually very happy that I now see this light.

(picture from Isha Lerner's website)

The prolapse (and time and a very very professional and experienced osteopath and intense meridian chi kung practise) has 'given' me the gift to get back in touch with my uturus. And my uturus actually means, my deeper self. My real self, the self I was while being a child. Untouched, undammaged, unshamed, unspoiled. My very me in the purest form.

Before I go further, it is probably best to explain that most women store emotional dammage in their uturus area. This is a built up from childhood. Some can better deal with their problems than others of course, and because of that the outcome is different for every body. (I am not a specialist, but this is how I experience it and the information I have gathered a long the years from several specialists in holistic healing. Your MD might think your crazy if you'd tell the above... so I don't even bother).

Like so many other people I have been through some difficult times, starting half way through my childhood years. At this moment in time, I am still not sure what exactly triggered my body problems (or better said: My body no longer able to deal with the emotions or stress and giving out loud signals. Every time the signals were ignored, my body started sending of louder and louder signals. You'll be amazed how long one can and will ignore these signals... until you will come to a point of no return. And sadly enough, for many people this is also the point where there isn't much of a future either...). And while I usually want to know exactly what caused a problem, this time I am not so sure whetter or not it is really relevant. What is much more important: How can I make myself better again. Or/and: What can I do to feel truly free again? Where and how do I carry this burden and let's learn a way to not carry this with me.

So this is basicly a beautiful time. Amazing life questions (for me that is. People in Haiti have much larger problems and questions. But each soul has its own path) seeding in my body and I am sure the paths and answers will grow inside me, as long as I give it light, attention and love.

My osteo told me I will not be able to improve the prolapse by visualizing, but I strongly feel different. I so strongly feel that my uturus needs attention. My attention, and mine only. I need to reconnect with her, we need to become 1 again. Inside her resides my soul and spiritual me. Everything I have longed for for so long, because I could feel I was missing something!

So, I will be focussing on my uturus and trying to undo the prolapse. Visualizing it free and flying. Strong and flexible. Happy, healthy and beautiful.

Happy Valentines day my sweet uturus! Ha ha!! lovely!

February 05, 2010

Tofu Burgers - Dr. Weil's Healthy Kitchen

Tofu Burgers - Dr. Weil's Healthy Kitchen

I am going to try these out tonight!!!! YUUUMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

Great burgers without dead animals. I'm lovin' it!!!

January 27, 2010

Downtown freerange chicken

I would like to introduce you to two of my feathered friends: Ladies Freeranges. My chicks are a small type of chicken and they are awfully good in being cute and curious.

Now, if you see the one, you are pretty sure you'll see the other as well. They are best friends and follow each other every where. Except when one of  them is laying an egg. But because it is winter and very very very cold this year, we are now not into the egg laying business. And that is fine with me.

Because I really have to say, that ever since I have these cuties, eating eggs hasn't been the same for me. In summer, they might lay on egg every day. OMG!!! Have you seen the size of these eggs?? Okay, my chickens are small and so are their eggs compared to the eggs you'd buy in the shop. But you try to lay one yourself. I think you'd squeek different! And it takes them about 30 minutes to squeeze out an egg. Now I gave birth about 2 years ago and I can honestly tell you it wasn't a relaxing experience for me. (an even more honest confession: After birth I seriously came to doubt the whole production process of God. And what I now know for sure is that God has to be a guy. Dude! God Dude, with all due respect, but WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???!!! How can we (women!) possibly squeeze out a kid a hundred time the size of the birth canal??? Really, what were you thinking?)

So, let's just say I respect chickens big time. And I am very thankful as well. It actually took me quite some time before I could even eat their eggs. I would daily check for fresh eggs and most of the time the eggs were still warm. Very cute! And after all that work the chicken had put in to laying that egg, I just couldn't bare to whack it in a pan to either fry or boil it. I gave away many an egg to the neighbours...

This also to compromise the fact that my chickens are somewhat a bit roosterers. Say what?? I hear you think. Roosterlike. I have 2 chicken, but no rooster (want to know why? Ask me and I will explain, or write another blog about it). So my cute little chickies sometime feel like to have to act like a rooster.

So when do they do this?
1. typically natural behaviour: When danger is around the corner! They will make so much noise that all the chickens in the state will know there might be a possible danger. Wise girls, my chickens.

Now in winter time, point 2 isn't much of problem because my girls are luxury chickens and won't come out of their night shed before 10.30! I'm telling you, honest to God.

But in summer time it is a different tale. They will scream and shout as if you are being tortured and burned alive around 7 ish. Great...

But I really love having my chickies around. It really is so much fun. And because of my chickens, our garden has become the local hang our for all kinds of birds. All the birds will be sitting around and waiting for me to put out some food and beverages. It's a true fiesta in my garden. If it was up to the birds they would ask for a menu and order food and drinks. Take out even. I mean, we are in a city, so even the birds will adapt.

Chickens go well with my dogs and all of the local cats as well. Some cats just hang out in our garden too, pretty close to the chickens and just staring at them. No attempts to kill thank God, all though this was different when I just had my chicks. But you'll see the cat sit and stare and think: these are odd looking cats, I'm telling you.

So, this is the story about my two downtown freerange chicken.

If you would like to know more about my or other chicken, let me know!

January 26, 2010

first day of preschool | I was sobbing all over the place. My Son? He did great!

Boy oh boy does time go quick. Struggling to squeeze your baby out of you and now he is going to pre-school!

I can remember how I, during pregnancy and the first couple of months of my sons life, I was looking forward to the moment where he would be big enough to start going to school. It seemed like a fun time to me. Being able to communicate and let's not forget; finaly I'd have more time for me, my life, work etc.

Yeah right.

I silently started the sobbing process a little while ago. I realised how much I love being a mom. And how I don't really miss my former life (former meaning before pregnancy). How I don't even mind keeping the house clean all off the time because my son is making a mess all over the place. And many more of these things.

So, the other day, we went to check out preschools and the first one we visited was all we were looking for. My son blended in within minutes and the teachers were so nice and so experienced. We spend about 2 hours there, my son loving every second of it and today was D-day. His very first day of school, without mom or dad or grandmom. Because on my wrking days, my mom was always looking after him.

Everything went very well. I felt good (not a tear in sight!) my son was a bit uncertain but slowly blending in and after 30 minutes it was time for me to go. He was jumping up and down with the other kids and I took him apart and told him goodbye (before school started I had explained him many times what was going to happen). He went back to play and jump up and down. This was going great! What a relief!! Yeah, until he noticed I had put on my coat. He started crying and ran up to me, pulling my coat so I would take it off. And out of nowhere, faster than light travels, tears were rolling down my cheeks!

I kind of hid behind his back so he wouldn't see, because that would only make things worse. I looked at the teachers, eyeing them: HELP ME! And they did, they are truly great. One of them stept right in to entertain my son (wow, tears dry in 1.2 seconds) and the other one escorted me out to the hallway. We both looked trough the window and my boy wasn't even looking for me. What a relief! So I could go home without worries (they'd also call me if he needed me).

So there I was, on my way home. Sobbing all over the place. Biggest tears ever down my face. People on the streets looking at me and wondering whether they should offer help or not. Back home in the empty house things got even worse. OH MY GOD! I thought I was a thoughie, but I am not! Clearly I am not. After 30 minutes I was doing much better, thankyouverymuch.

And proud as a mom can be I was all set and ready to pick him up and the end of the morning. There he was my tiny prince, the love of my life! And he did great!

Now he is asleep and I spend a little extra time looking at him watching him sleep and breath. So cute, so small, so sweet. I can imagine him being all grown up in 20 years. I will probably still feel the same as I do now. And I will never forget today.

You will always be my baby boy. I love you.
(here come the tears again!)

My son is the second child, holding his bunny

January 13, 2010

Who let the dogs out?

Right, as I explained in the former blog, I is a bit on an inward journey. And I welcome you for the ride, but it does get a bit bumpy now and then!

As I am working on the onion (read past blog (on a crossroad) to understand) I have to admit my usually very laugh-able good moods nowadays seem to be getting a bit more frustrated or down right angry or aggressive some times. Now, don't worry! I am not getting physical with anything or anybody, at least, not in real time. I do however picture how I would fight my way out or kick and scream. Yeah aha... I know!

It's like the tiniest thing can unleash an angry beast inside me! I do hope this is just a temporary side effect of delayering ones onions of the past? Can somebody assure me this is so. Cos otherwise people, you might have to cage me some time or another! I sometimes feel like a wild animal that is being entered and cornered by hunters (or harmdo-ers) and I am ready to fight for my life. ROOOAAAAAARRRRRRRR!!!! I will admit that I wish I was that sexy qute Avatar girlie. (She was my highlight of the movie!)

Now I guess there is some kind of interesting feedback information in here. Why do I feel like a wild animal being cornered?

Here I go once more: RRROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR (and a little purrrr of course!)

on a crossroad

Yeah okay, the last 2 or 3 months have been pretty full on if it comes to unlayering my onion so to speak!

You know, the many layers, like an onions layers, that cover up your soul and potential. Well... I am digging deep and hard! Fact of the matter is that I have been on and off doing that for a couple of years now. I entered the path a long time ago, but now it is getting unavoidable. Which is really good and pretty darn tough sometimes!

About a year after me giving birth I started experiencing monthly migraines, a week after my period had started. I did experience migraines before, but never this frequent. There was a message there! and a collapsed uturus and a stuck ovary. Which lead me to an chinese doctor (herbs and acupuncture) at first and a specialised osteopath later (and still). I had osteo done before, but never this kind... I wasn't ready for all these emotions being unlocked! Yes yes yes, the layers of the onion are finally being touched, moved and letting go off! But what a hell of a job. It really is hard work!

Thing with me (and I guess with many others as well) is that my 'controlling' part is pretty strong and has taken over most of me. Sounds weird to you? That's fine. If you want further explaining, let me know? Now, after about 3 treatments, yoga and meridian chi kung, I am really seeing/feeling when and where the control part kicks in, but so far I haven't been able to do anything about it. It is like it paralizes the rest of me. Truly taking over. So what do you do??? My osteo told me to be patient and keep doing what I am doing. Ha! being patient is not one of my core qualities and indeed be an answer to some of the issues.

So I am unpatiently trying to be patient. Feeling restless on and off. Tara Stiles just Tweeted (http://twitter.com/TaraStiles) something to remember:  What are you holding onto that's holding you back? Honest meditation will show you. Up to you what to do about it.

So, if you'll excuse me, I'll go into honest meditation right now!

January 07, 2010

That's really quick! The universe is quick indeed

That's what they said on The Secret years ago. The universe likes speed. okay!

Earlier today I posted a blog and in the end I mentioned how I need a new freelance job. This afternoon I had a really nice meeting. An old trainstation is being renovated right in the middle of the city and they want a yoga place in it. But they want something special. Well well well, what a coincidence I had written a plan about an Urban Oasis a little over a year ago and one of the train-station-project guys gave me a call. So this afternoon we talked about it and in two weeks I am meeting an investor who is looking for an adviser/marketeer/yogi. That's me! I've been a yogi for a long time and a marketeer for even a more long time. And about time I get to mix these two things and make a bit of a living!

Well, nothing's sure yet so let's just wait and see. But anyway anyhow it's cool to experience the Universe at work! I say Thank You!

2 minutes of utter quteness

Okay all of you child lovers (If you get cold chills down your spine by the thought of yet another kid on a video, be sure to skip this! Do not watch! You won't be able to handle the cuteness without wanting to vomit). This is my boy, a couple of months ago, exploring himself with the help of a webcam. He is talking, eyeing, blinking and keekabooing himself. And waving goodbye of course.

Utter cuteness if you ask me! See for yourself.

2 minutes of utter quteness. Summer 2009 from HoneyAmore on Vimeo.

As we go along, I am changing this blog into something personal

As I started this blog, it was actually more a platform for publishing my You are Loved sticker project. But as I am moving along in time, I've noticed I'mmore interested in reading peoples personal notes and experiences and appreciating their products, good goals/charities etc.

And I guess that I represent many women like myself; used to be fully free, but now a very happy and dedicated mom. But struggling with time though! I work parttime and the rest of the time I take care of my son, most of the house and my two amazing dogs.

Even though my life is now a lot more 'boring' than it used to be (I travelled the world, worked in restaurants and clubs, had more friends I could fit in my schedule, did art school, a yoga teacher course and was a happy single bird) I feel much more connected to me and life source at this moment in my life than ever before.

As I got pregnant completely unexpected (yes, I do know about the birds and the bees!) I was shocked beyong shock. I never pictured myself with kids and the daddy and I were only together for 2 months when we found out. Long story short; being pregnant was not easy for me and the first couple of months when my son was just born I felt stuck to the house. And very much in love with my baby boy of course!

So it took me a couple of months before I learned to surrender to this new situation. I realised my baby boy was growing so fast and that all of this was only a temporarely situation. Time was all of a sudden going so fast and as he was learning how to crawl I could imagine him going to his first day of school. And right then and there I learned how to fully surrender into the moment and loving all of it. Even the not so lovable parts (night wakings etc). I realised that this was what it was all about. That unconditional love was exactly this. That even though my life completely changed, that I loved every bit of my son and all the concequenses of him coming into my life. So I fully surrendered and it feels like bliss! It really does.

At this moment he is almost 2 and we are looking into kindergarden schools for 2 mornings in the week. And I find this difficult! I don't like the idea of spending less time with him, even though it really is time for my son to go to kindergarden. So I am surprised with my own reaction. I am like all those other moms! Ha ha!! I always thought I was a bit of tomboy, but I guess I am not. And you know what, it is great finding out these new parts of me. Turns out I am so much more vulnerable than I always thought. I like this new part of me. I used to be a fighter, a killer if neccessary. And now I know these powers are still in me for emergency situations, but it is not who I am. I am very sensitive and I don't like violence at all. That's always been me, but I pretended as if it wasn't. You still following?

Anyway, long story short. Here I am. sensitive and vulnerable and loving it! Thanks to my son, who triggers all the right things in me. I am very happy he choose me as him mom.

So thanks to all the universe for making this match!

Now please also match me up with a really nice parttime career? ... I just lost my freelance marketing job and I am flat broke! I am working on some of my own projects and I hope one of them will enable me to build my own carreer. I am not very good at working for a boss...

I will let you know what happens!

January 03, 2010

Food bombs might make the world a better place

Food bombs. What if we start shooting delish food bombs instead of missiles and granates? Let's cover our enemies in love packed food.

That just might be a womans look on war... something I never understood in the 1sy place. But now that we got all the machines and plaines and boats and tanks and guns... let's shoot food to our enemies. Love goes thru the stomach. We might become friends. ..or would that be bad for economy? No more making of guns? I dunno... (well I guess I do know) But these thoughts just entered my mind.

Warfare my style: Let's drop tons of double trouble chocolate cakes above Afghanistan!! Yes Captain Tiny Rabbit Mam Sir.

Suck on this! (lovely popstickle with strawberry/cola flavor).

instead of being afraid of your life and that of your loved ones as soon as the air sirene goes af, you would now ran out to the streets holding out your hands (and baskets) to catch the loved packed food boms dropping down on the streets. (you might want to wear a helmet though).

Wouldn't that be lovely?? And you know what?! We could drop tons of You are Loved stickers as well. That would give Bin Laden something to decorate his cave with (even though I've heard rumors he ain't been it that cave for a long time). Maybe the next airplane hi-jack could be a positive one? Okay people, I have now control over this plane and instead of going to NY we are now on our way to the Carabean! We'll go to the beach, swim, dance and eat and everybody back at the plane at 5 o'clock sharp! You too captain.

Let me write a proposal to Obama. Food boms and You are Loved stickers, the new warfare strategy for 2010.