Food bombs. What if we start shooting delish food bombs instead of missiles and granates? Let's cover our enemies in love packed food.
That just might be a womans look on war... something I never understood in the 1sy place. But now that we got all the machines and plaines and boats and tanks and guns... let's shoot food to our enemies. Love goes thru the stomach. We might become friends. ..or would that be bad for economy? No more making of guns? I dunno... (well I guess I do know) But these thoughts just entered my mind.
Warfare my style: Let's drop tons of double trouble chocolate cakes above Afghanistan!! Yes Captain Tiny Rabbit Mam Sir.
Suck on this! (lovely popstickle with strawberry/cola flavor).
instead of being afraid of your life and that of your loved ones as soon as the air sirene goes af, you would now ran out to the streets holding out your hands (and baskets) to catch the loved packed food boms dropping down on the streets. (you might want to wear a helmet though).
Wouldn't that be lovely?? And you know what?! We could drop tons of You are Loved stickers as well. That would give Bin Laden something to decorate his cave with (even though I've heard rumors he ain't been it that cave for a long time). Maybe the next airplane hi-jack could be a positive one? Okay people, I have now control over this plane and instead of going to NY we are now on our way to the Carabean! We'll go to the beach, swim, dance and eat and everybody back at the plane at 5 o'clock sharp! You too captain.
Let me write a proposal to Obama. Food boms and You are Loved stickers, the new warfare strategy for 2010.
sounds good to me, I would also make the parachutes eatable in vanilla flavored marshmallows, no need to waste anything! the strings will be made of strawberry liquorish, for the know! maybe the plane itself can be made of one long bread stick!! mmm..i'm hungry..